Monday, September 22, 2008

Ranting and raving

The apartment I looked at was two bedroom. What did I think?


I was close to crying on my way home. I don't think I could bear to live in a two bedroom apartment with three boys. The main bedroom was okay, but the second bedroom was barely big enough to fit a bed and chest of drawers.


That night I was back onto the net investigating possibilities. I realised I had to be a little flexible with my budget and expectations, but I know my limit and I refuse to get myself into financial trouble.

I looked at two three bedroom places on Saturday. One was on the third floor, and the other was a bit tatty round the edges. I would take either one if it was offered. I put applications in today and am waiting to hear from the real estates.

Got very upset with Tween on Saturday. I was working looong hours last week, on top of feeling crook and having a throat infection, so my powers of observation were nil. I came home from house hunting on Saturday and noticed that Tween's bike was not there. I assumed he had got home from his mates while we were out and had gone for a ride on it. Imagine my surprise when he calls me an hour later asking me when I wanted him home from his mates place! Where was the bike?

Well, it turns out that the bike was stolen at school on Wednesday.


I noticed it on SATURDAY. I felt like a bad mum then.


he hadn't said a WORD!

Why? Because he thought I would get angry. And so I did, but not because the bike had gone missing, I was angry because he didn't tell me! I made that very clear to him. I said that the bike getting stolen wasn't his fault, so why would I get angry about that? I think he got it after I had ranted and raved for a few minutes.

He did very well on his NAPLAN test (an Australian wide test that checks levels of literacy and numeracy). I was proud of him. But I waved it in his face and did the spiel of how this just proves how smart I already knew he was and why couldn't he just dig in at school and do his work?!!! I am sure he appreciated the noise I was making (blah blah school blah blah).

Tween attempted to plaigarise a play last week and I caught him at it and made it very clear that that was totally NOT okay. I then banned him from everything I could think of and helped him write his own one, using a book (god forbid) to assist him.

Lazy sod.

I keep getting told that this is just how boys are. Do I have to believe that or am I wrong to wish for more. Should I back off and let him make his own mistakes?

Well, it is my birthday shortly, and although I won't be following Frogdancers awesome example, I did treat myself, if it can actually be called that, to a subscription with Wieght Watchers. Yup, exciting hey? But I am at the point now where my weight is ridiculous, I look like I am about to have a baby. So this is the year people.

I am woman, no more wobble!!!

*Please God, help to count points and stick to healthy eating so that I may be trim, taut and more terrific than I already am.*

Oh, I also signed up for those dance classes I mentioned recently. Wiggle wiggle!


Frogdancer said...

Boys. Can't kill 'em,can't tie 'em to a tree....

Hopefully amid all the ranting and raving we direct their way they get the messages we're trying to give them. My 16 year old is finally developing signs of maturity. I never thought the day would come...
Good luck with the house hunting. I'm sure something will turn up. (Within walking distance of the school!!!)

mums_hugs said...

16 years old hey. That means I have 4 years to go. By the time he gets out of it No.2 will be beginning. shoot me now...