Look, I like Cricket, I really do. Not fussed on watching five day matches, but the one dayers always get me excited (in between housework and baking, of course). My DH has probably fallen off his seat laughing and having alot of difficulty imagining me playing cricket. Well, after all, I resemble this...

Actually, if you google pumpkin images there are some really neat ones, like this...

and this...

Anyway, I have to start with something, and if it is an organised sport, then I have to turn up. It is an easy version of normal cricket and should be a good introduction to the sport. The season starts in October.
Today I discovered that if you want to teach your child to catch, use balloons! They drift through the air slowly enough that the child has time to react and catch them. Toddler and I had a lovely game of catch using a balloon.
The balloons were left over from his birthday party yesterday. He is now 2 years old. We just had a couple of friends and family over to celebrate, it was a pleasant afternoon.
Toddlers new words are - kick, awick (warwick), who's this, mine. Of course there is more that I am not remembering right now.
Balloon tennis in the lounge room is still big here, especially with the 16 year old.
lol, yes they are never too old for that kind of fun. My 12 yr old and his mates like to get the balls out of the ball pit and throw them at each other (and all over the house). They build forts out of lounge cushions and quilts, it is very entertaining to watch.
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