Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pffft...what weekend?

I have not had time to go back to my quilt yet, or purchase the border fabric. I had thought maybe this weekend, but my originally quiet weekend has exploded.

Friday night I am going out with some of the girls from work. Then on Sat I am going to my first Karate lesson. I signed myself and the older two boys up for it last Sat. They went for their first try on Wednesday and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I am going on Sat because all the boys are away with their dad, then I will start going on a Wed with the older two and will get a bro to babysit. On Sat afternoon I am going to the movies with a bro. Sunday it looks as tho I will be painting a room for my mum, and then heading off to get the boys.

Somewhere in there I also need to mow my lawn and do some gardening, and there is a possibility a friend from Sydney might be coming for a visit. Hmmm, somehow I do not think I will be getting a sleep in this weekend.

I have sort of decided that once this contract finishes, if I do not get another extension, I won't actively seek work for a little while. I will have to budget carefully. I feel like I need to be around more for the kids.

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