Thursday, March 26, 2009

so much to do

well, it is four weeks till I leave this city I have resided in for the last 3 and a half years. Perhaps I will miss it. I know I will miss my job and my friends, but I am not so far away that I cannot organise to come for a visit.

Right now I am exhausted. I applied for a job with Centrelink up in the Central Coast recently. On Tuesday night they called me and did a 20 min phone screening, then asked me to be at an assessment session the next day at 2pm. On the central coast. For 2 and a half hours. Of course I said yes, then got off the phone and began stressing. I called mum because I quickly realised that I was going to have to take all three kids with me as I would not get back to the city in time to collect them from their various places after school. She was happy to babysit, thank goodness.

So yesterday I drove from Sydney to Newcastle, deposited my children with my mum, drove back down to the Central Coast, participated in two teamwork activities, filled out a stack of paperwork, and then drove back up to mum's, had dinner and drove back to Sydney. All up, approximately 7hrs of driving. We got home at 9pm.

I then worked on my computer from about 9.30pm till midnight on a training session I will be running next week.


Ok, so the assessment appeared to go fine, I may get a call back next week to go up again and do more assessment and testing, and then I may be offered a position. The pay is equivalent to what I get here, the hours are similar and fixed, the working environment will be challenging and I may have to drive an hour each way depending on where I am located. Could be interesting.

Mum has been house hunting for me even though she has not been well, and she viewed a house on Tuesday which she thought I could make a home out of for a while. So on Wednesday I put in the application and now I am waiting to hear. The property manager took a shine to mum, so I feel like I have a good chance.

D and I are going well. Our r'ship is kind of comfy at the moment, we chat a little most days and I find I am not stressing or bothered if I do not hear from him. I enjoy my independence and I am incredibly grateful that he is not clingy or needy, I enjoy it a little, but not alot. He is really looking forward to me moving up and us having a chance to spend time getting to know each other.

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