Thursday, January 6, 2011


example of brief interaction with teen...

Teen: mum, do we have any polystyrene?

Me: no

Teen: what about the boxes in the garage?

Me: no, they store my craft mags cos they are waterproof

Teen: The top one is empty

Me: That's because I used it for christmas drinks. When it dries out the mags are going back in there

Teen: (silence)

The next day...

Teen: do you have any polystyrene I can have

Me: no.......why?

Teen: I want to make napalm

Me: (be silent, walk away, deep breaths, don't cry)


Yesterday he broke a window in the garage. He seemed to be having fun. I lost it at him. I kept it brief, walked away, and barely spoke to him for the rest of the afternoon.

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