Didn't get much work done yesterday cos my smallest DS fell off a chair at daycare and cut his head open an hour after I got to work and had to go to hospital to get glued back together again, lol. He wasn't impressed. Daycare handled everything really well, got in touch with me immediately, cleaned him up appropriately etc etc. So glad it is a family run business, they make alot more effort to keep the parents happy. So DS and I got to spend the day home together.
Had a slight back log today when I got back to work, thankfully I was on top of most of it so only had a couple of things to push through. Went to an interesting meeting this morning and got some good ideas for children's programs. It really helps to have a support network. It did bring home to me how small my library demographic is - I had 40 kids for the Summer Reading Program and was pleased, it matched last years (so next year I am aiming for better), anyway, one of the libraries at this meeting had 500 kids, and one had 1200!!!!!! I was proud to note that the one that had 500 kids had the same size collection as we have in most areas, in some we had more! and in some they did (to be expected considering they have a MUCH larger library, but the fact that our collection was generally equal was surprising). I went back to my library and told them how great our collection was.
Got my first Rhyme and Read session tomorrow, should be interesting. It's a bit touch and go because I have never sat in on one, I am winging this completely. If I run out of stories I can always sing the old favourites, lol.
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