Lol, DS#3 split his head open a couple of weeks ago, then last Sunday DS#1 fractured his arm! We spent a couple of hours in Emergency and we go back on Friday to get a proper cast on. He fell while rollerblading and landed badly. He told me it hasn't put him off blading!
My toddler is 18 months old. He can say hot ('ot), ouch (owsh), Tricia (trisha), mumma, dadda, ta ta, bye bye, up, sshhh, bottle (bopa), Scott (dot), Will (wiw). So cute!!! He stands near the oven and points at it and says 'ot, owsh'. Tonight he did his first little wee on the potty. He had already done one on the bathroom floor and I said, 'let's do a wee in the potty' thinking we could just get some practice in, so I sat him on it and we looked to see if anything was happening and nothing did, so he laughed! I said 'oh, okay, no wees' and took him off and almost straight away he tried to get back on, so I put him back on and he did a tiny wee!! I congratulated him of course. Time to bring in the routine of get up, put him on potty in the morning, and then after his bath at night he ALWAYS does one on the floor, so now after I take him out of the bath I will ask him if he needs to do a wee and then put him on the potty.
The rhyme and read sessions are going ok. I have had to resort to the old favourites a couple of times because what I have planned doesn't take long enough. I am feeling like it's not working, I need to do some reading about it.
My work diary is full. I almost feel tired looking at it, but what it really does is make me realise how prepared I need to be. I have the Kindy's and After School carers calling, wanting me to do multiple sessions per month, I laughed at them, not meanly, and then told them what my schedule was like and reminded them that it is just me, I don't have an assistant or anyone I can really delegate to.
Each month I have - 4 kindy visits , 4 After school outreach sessions, 4 bookclub sessions, at least 12 public rhymetime sessions (3 per week), plus I am supposed to do 3 x 3 hour desk shifts per week and prepare everything ahead of time. I don't think the rest of the staff, except for my co-ordinator, have any idea of the workload. They see me sitting at my desk a fair bit, I am usually replying to emails, planning future programs, preparing stuff for the next session, and creating promotional material. I love my job! I am not complaining at all. I would hate to be twiddling my thumbs. I hope I can prove to myself that I am good at this organisational stuff. Oh, and to get a pay rise I have to come up with something I can teach a small group and see it through from start to finish. *lightbulb* we've had quite a few older customers coming in asking if we run a basic computer course (how do I turn it on, etc, lol). Well, we have a Basic Internet course, but not a general computer one. I will talk to the person who runs the internet one and see if he has any plans to run a basic computer one and if not would he mind me doing it.
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