D and I are going well. We are avoiding making grand plans related to my move, we are simply looking forward to the chance to get to know each other properly.
I have applied for two full-time library jobs in the Newcastle area, they are both library assistant positions, one is at a uni and one is a public library. I will hopefully hear from them before the end of the month. I will also be applying for a customer service position with Maritime NSW, the pay is similar to what I get now and it sounds like it could be an interesting job, at least for a while, lol. I am confident I will get some sort of work.
I have booked a storage facility up there and will be taking some stuff up next weekend. I will be doing regular trips up and depositing stuff each time, so that when the time comes only the essentials will need to be moved. I kind of wish I could do a self move, not sure if that is feasible at this stage, although I have enough people at each end to help pack/unpack the truck, and I have done it before. hmmm, well I shall consider it. It would certainly be cheaper than removalists.
I am getting a tattoo Sunday week, of a kiwi bird shape made out of a fern. See below...

I was at the zorbing in NZ and I had already decided that I wanted a tat, just had not found the design. I saw this pic on the door of the Zorb office and said 'that's it!!!' But I forgot to take a photo of it, and made no notes about the co. that used the design. So later that day, when I was about 2 hours drive away, I realised my mistake. That night I spent hours searching for the pic online, with no success. The next morning I phoned the Zorb office and asked them to tell me the info that was on the pic, they did, I googled it, and found the pic online. And soon it will be on my back. lol It is perfect and it is going to hurt like a biatch.
My mum was rather tired after caring for my boys for the week. She exclaimed to me that she needed a holiday. When I phoned her a couple of days later she told me she had had early nights for the last few days to recover. She is too young to be so tired and I worry.
D is worrying at the moment, about his parents. His mum is in need of a hip replacement, he said she appears to be in a bit of pain, but even though she has private health cover she won't go and organise the surgery. I wonder what she is afraid of. D's dad has an aneurism near his heart and at a recent check-up was told that his heart beat was erratic and he would need to go for an ECG. D seems pretty stressed about both of them and I wish I could be there to support him better. So now we are both worrying about our parents. Amazing how it comes full circle, they spend years worrying about us, until there comes a point, when we, the children, have grown up a bit and formed a more mature outlook, and we begin to worry about them. Hmmm, that is as it should be.
Scott has hair under his arms. There is no doubt about it now, he is not my baby anymore, he is a smelly, grumpy, still cuddly, teen. sigh. And he is my height, which he just loves gloating about. He is going to love being able to lean on me in a few short years. Perhaps he will tower over me like my bros do. God I love him so much. I love all of my boys. They are so precious to me. I hope and pray that they will all continue to talk to me over the years, that they will always know I love them, even when I am angry or disappointed with them. I wish for so much for them, but have no control over their paths, only very basic guidance that I can give. Being a parent is the hardest job of all at times.
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