Thursday, October 2, 2008

A moment to type

I haven't had the chance to write since ex-DH got home. He sits at the table behind me and uses his new laptop, and has a tendency to look over at what I am doing.

I am fine. I feel nothing for him, which came as some surprise. I thought I would feel a bit sad, but no, he is just a guy I share a house and kids with. His arrival home has been uneventful and Toddler has been fine with him, this is a relief. The older two are enjoying his presence, I think.

Ex-DH took the time to actually check out the housing situation, and now understands where I am coming from. There is 9 properties in 32 suburbs around this area that I can attempt to afford, they are priced between $420 and $450. I am going to look at an apartment on Saturday that is $430.

Work is fine, everything is generally ok. I don't like sleeping in No.2's bed, but I can handle it for the short term.

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