I am still awake at one in the morning because right now it seems to be the only way I can give my toddler a decent nights sleep. I have him in my arms now as he is feverish and congested. I worry about him in my heart and I am frustrated by my inability to take this yuckiness away. It appears to be simply a cold, but one that has come on fairly quicly and strongly.
My day was affected by his illness. I was about to go in to an important meeting when I got the call from the kindy. I headed over and brought him back to work, and the meeting, with me. I felt like crying.
I was surprised by the strength of my emotion. I was feeling overwhelmed at work (I was also in the middle of final preparations for a presentation that evening) and a little bit over being a single parent. Sometimes the burden feels very heavy. But I pulled through, had a productive meeting and completed the preparation for the evenings event with minutes to spare. I did cut the event short, simply because I had no back up to take over and I really wanted to take Toddler home.
We got home and he went to bed almost immediately. I did the usual mothering of No.2 and Tween and later, as they were going to bed, Toddler woke. We hung out on the lounge together for awhile, then I put him back to bed. This has not gone well. He seems to have gotten more congested and recently threw up over my bedroom floor and the hallway. So I have him against my shoulder and he seems more relaxed.
I, however, reek of spew.
Awwwww....I'm sorry you're going through such a rough patch. That is a lot to bear on your own :(
I'm hanging in there--thanks for thinking of me and leaving a comment. We're officially moving this Saturday, so I'm excited!
Hope your little one feel better very soon.
Yay for the move! So glad your baby baking is going well.
Re: the burden, well, I just keep telling myself that God only gives me as much as I can handle, but gee, some days it really gets to the borderline. I have pulled through yet again and feel good about the future.
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