Thursday, July 31, 2008

GIrls are weird

I am blogging during a work break because my internet at home is making steam come out of my ears! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it does for about 10 minutes, and then stops and you can't get it going again. And the phone....grrrrr....I rang my mum last night and was cut off three times in an hour. I gave up after the third time.

So hence my absence for the last day or so. I think I shall call my provider and blast their ear drums, except cutting off their connection will leave me with no phone/WWW at all until I get something else organised. Deep breaths....

My washing machine has broken down again. I am so not impressed. As a mother I am reliant on my washing machine for ensuring my children remain clothed in clean attire, as well as my own need for a clean uniform for work. This time the spin/drain function is not happening, so I have someone coming to look at it next Monday. Please let it be a simple problem.

BOOKclub was entertaining yesterday. I had three year 6 girls attend and discussion ranged into all sorts of weird and wonderful areas. For example, we were talking about swallowing bugs, then one girl said 'What if you swallowed a caterpillar, would it still turn into a butterfly?' It is amazing the descriptions that developed from that, of a butterfly emerging from the mouth (along with appropriate noises).

We also discussed what was 'in' at their school, and what was not. So according to the girls, at the beginning of the year all the girls were into boys (but the boys were, like, 'eeewww'), then they got over that and everyone was in to 'Smiggle' (a stationary brand), now the boys are into girls, the girls are all 'whatever' and the girls are into playing 'stacks'. yes, 'stacks'! The game where you all pile on to one person. I asked if that hurt and they said 'yes, but no, like, sort of, but it's fun'.


I thought boys were weird.

Was I weird like that when I was their age? I remember being into boys and books. I used to race my best friend across the quad to the library, I thought it looked like I was showing off, but it was actually because I was too shy to walk across! I probably attracted more attention by running, lol. So yes, I guess I was a bit weird.

My boys aren't really weird. They are very funny though. We have a fake plastic spider in the house that keeps popping up in the oddest places! It is a family game that we have going, to see if we can scare each other. It's gone past that now though, because we recognise it as soon as we see it. Today I found it in my handbag, after I had left it on No. 2's shoe. hmmm, where can I put it?

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